I’ll leave aside the issue of school buildings that are
equipped to handle summertime temperatures, repair work that would be made
problematic, and salaries that would need to be increased (teachers are not
paid for 12 months work- only 10- and would want to be compensated, though each
of these are valid arguments against summer school. The real issue is with
people who seem to think that education only takes place in schools, and that
students “shut off their minds” for 2 months. Granted, research does show that a
lot of what is learned in the previous year is forgotten over the summer, but that is because of the lousy way that
the students received the instruction in the first place. I don’t mean to
lay the blame directly on the teachers; the issue is much more complex and
involves the onerous state curriculum mandates and other external influences on
a student’s ability to actually learn subject matter rather than just be
exposed to it.
Summertime is an excellent time for learning, learning that
can to a great extent be directed by parents and their kids towards areas of
particular interest. My summer vacations were wonderful learning experiences as
we traveled through North America. My son has gone to engineering workshops and
camps, as have thousands of kids, whether they be the more generic summer camp
or camps geared towards educational enrichment. Spending time at my dad’s
office over the summer was a great experience and a wonderful form of
mentoring; there is no reason that some creative entrepreneurs can’t come up
with similar type of programs for inner city kids that are otherwise unable to
get that exposure to professions. Kids go with their dad the painter to learn
the craft. And on and on. Each event is a learning experience and something
that will contribute to that young boy or girl’s emotional, social, and intellectual
development. All without stepping foot in a school. Hallelujah!
Teachers can also benefit from the summer break. Most
contemporary studies of education in countries like China and Norway, countries
that we seem to revere in terms of academic output, show that their teachers
spent MUCH MORE TIME involved in professional development rather than in the
classroom during the school day. If we are not going to make the changes
necessary to align our schedules with theirs, than we will need the summer time
to provide that opportunity for improving their work product.
Now of course summertime learning is much more accessible to
those with the financial and other resources needed to pay for and attend
summer enrichment events. Something definitely must be done to help those with
limited resources in the inner city, which is why I have been pushing the idea
of creating “micro-credit centers” to help urban families help their kids. The bottom
line is that summertime need not be wasted time, and that some creative
thinking, along with some financial support, can be put to work to create
enrichment programs that can potentially provide far greater learning
opportunities than a child might ever get in the school. Do not force students
and teachers back into school over the summer. Summer school is a small idea
for small minded people. It lacks any creativity or thought. It is a bad idea.
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