In a recent post I strongly suggested that urban schools in particular utilize a system of performance pay or performance ladders to reward exemplary teachers, pressure medicre and lazy teachers, and attract new adults into education. Money is of course a powerful inducement, but there are other non-pecuniary ways to reward quality educators that could also be integrated into any "reward" system offered to teachers. Support for these non-pecuniary rewards could come from not only the school district but from stakeholders that have the means to donate tangible and non-tangible items to the school.
For example, schools could create a pool of money that could be used by exemplary teachers to create scholarships in a teacher's name and under the management of that teacher. Teachers can be rewarded with funds to purchase resources for their curriculum. They can be given "gifts" in the form of vacations, tickets to special events, or other tangible goods.
The point is that creative administrators can develop a workable system of rewards for teachers, and that such rewards are a vital part of urban education reform.
In the next post we will delve more thoroughly into the role of adminstrators and how they can create a culture of learning that will allow entrepreneurial minded teachers (and students), to flourish.
This blog is brought to you by The Entrepreneurial Educator, LLC, a soon to be established education consulting concern focused on urban education reform, primarily through creating "stakeholder based programs" and whole school reform.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Finding New Entrepreneurial Educators
The next step in this goal of creating challenging, dynamic
inner city high schools with a vibrant culture of learning is attracting high
quality college graduates and members of our private sector. My goal is to
create a faculty of specialists rather than teachers with education degrees,
something I consider an enormous waste of time; it is a degree that by and
large attracts mediocre students. Learning is the ultimate “learn on the job”
profession; trial and error is the defining characteristic of successful
teachers, teachers whose desire to improve their craft and improve their work
product is never satiated.
Members of the private and non-profit sectors, be they
mechanics, electrical engineers, accountants, zoologists, fundraisers,
marketing specialists, or a host of other professions, have the potential to be
excellent teachers. The most salient issue is the extent to which they
demonstrate those aforementioned characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
It is of course incumbent on schools to provide the
necessary support for these new teachers, ideally in the form of mentor
teachers and clinical supervisors. It has always been my belief that every
school in New Jersey should have a clinical supervisor on staff, charged with
the sole responsibility of providing this specific brand of supervision to the
faculty. As for remuneration, that would of course be up to each school district,
but I would suggest something akin for crediting these new teachers with up to
one year on the salary scale for each year of experience they bring to the
Now as for college students, it is time for the state to
incentivize the process of bringing students with degrees other than education
into the profession. I believe that having a system of performance pay and
performance ladders are an attraction for those with the entrepreneurial spirit
I seek. Providing professional support in the manner I suggested above will
help draw prospective teachers; it will certainly help insure that these new
teachers stay in teaching rather than “flee” to the private and non-profit
But of course the most direct way to attract these college
students is to offer some financial inducement such as signing bonuses or the reduction
or elimination of student debt. The burden of debt is growing more severe each
year, so giving new graduates the opportunity to start their professional lives
with little or any debt is incredibly appealing. I would like nothing more than
to staff my school with entrepreneurial minded graduates with degrees in a
multitude of disciplines.
It is critical at this juncture to try anything and
everything we can to develop a knowledgeable, passionate faculty of individuals
ready to meet the challenges of teaching. These entrepreneurial educators will
provide the foundation for schools that teenagers look forward to attending.
Assume tat no teenager MUST attend school, and devise a school program and
curriculum that they WANT to attend.
It starts with a quality faculty, but even the best of
faculties will stumble and fail if it is not supported by entrepreneurial
administrators, professionals dedicated to creating a culture of learning in
the school and willing to put in the time and effort necessary to secure the
involvement of critical stakeholders, namely the parents and members of the business
and non-profit communities. It is through the involvement of the community that
students will receive the support and enrichment they need and deserve.
In a future posting we will turn our attention to the
management of a school staffed by entrepreneurial minded teachers. It Is this
management that will provide the “infrastructure” for our community of teachers
and students and the extrinsic motivation to elicit exemplary work from both.
The challenge of creating inner city schools with the
potential for high quality learning like that found throughout New Jersey’s
suburbs is an enormous undertaking; these communities are hampered by a dearth
a dearth of resources and demographics that do not align with those evident in
our successful suburban districts. It is up to those who run these urban
schools to find creative ways to compensate for those missing ingredients. But
it can be done. Frankly, it must be done.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Entrepreneurism is the Key to Quality Teachers
Of all the problems facing public education in the inner
city, no need is more pressing than placing quality teachers in the classrooms.
I will narrow the focus to high schools, where I believe the opportunity to
develop an innovative, passionate, intelligent, and risk taking faculty is most
attainable and most pressing.
The centerpiece of my reform idea is the American
entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs have been the engine for economic growth and
innovation since our nation’s founding, and I truly believe we can capture the
spirit of entrepreneurs from Ben Franklin to Steven Jobs and apply those skills
to the classroom.
I spent a considerable amount of time studying
entrepreneurs, trying to find some common characteristics that define the
successful entrepreneur, and I think I have done so. These characteristics can
form the metrics to evaluate teachers and to “train” them to be exceptional
What I have found is that successful entrepreneurs
demonstrate five characteristics: they are Passionate,
they are well Organized, they are incredibly
Knowledgeable about their product,
they are Empowering with regard to
the people they associate with in developing their work, and they are Resourceful in their ability to gather,
organize, and utilize the materials essential to their craft.
Knowing this, we can then build the foundation for creating
an exceptional faculty. First, these five metrics can be the basis for creating
a system of remuneration that includes performance
pay and/or performance ladders. Two things that have always bothered me
about my former profession is the use of “years of service” and “degrees
attained” as the basis for determining pay, and the lack of any true upward
mobility to the profession. There is absolutely no correlation between having
an advanced degree and being a better teacher, and treating all teachers with
the same years of service the same is a slap in the face to every exceptional
teacher; it in fact creates a disincentive for such teachers to continue
putting in the time and effort associated with designing a quality “product.”
It also “rewards” lazy and mediocre teachers by eliminating any financial
pressure to elevate their work. It rewards those doing the minimum.
Using the “entrepreneurial metrics” I suggest, we can devise
a system that not only holds teachers accountable for performance with their
annual evaluations, something that is being instituted in New Jersey this year,
but creates a foundations for rewarding excellent teachers by increasing their
pay or promoting them up a “performance ladder” where such teachers will assume
greater responsibilities and roles within the school commensurate with their
superior abilities. Moving up such a ladder would also be supported with
increased pay.
Implicit in the use of these metrics, and consistent with
the spirit of entrepreneurism, would be the creation of a policy that gives
teachers far greater academic freedom to design their own curriculum. Teachers
would in essence start competing for students, so students would also have more
freedom to choose course that reflect their own passions and interests. It would
be up to the school, by learning more about the “consumer,” to try and align
the passions and interests of the faculty with those of the student body.
This of course raises the issue of our state’s Core
Curriculum Content Standards, something I consider one of the greatest
tragedies in public education. I want to distinguish the CCCS with the
currently popular national core standards. These national standards are by and
large all skill based rather than content based, and I wholly agree that all
high school classrooms should be integrating those core skills into their curriculum.
I would argue that these core skills are far more important than any mandated
content standards, which are unduly burdensome on teachers and should be
greatly reduced. The academics creating these content standards have failed to
distinguish between what students could learn, even should learn, and what they
MUST learn.
Two more points are important. First, most adults forget
almost all the content they learn in high school unless it is in some way
connected to their college work, their personal interests, or their employment;
it is much more likely they will remember the skills. The reasons for this are
two- fold: the content is uninteresting or unconnected to their life, and the broad
and onerous content requirements, the “cumulative progress indicators,” cannot
be truly learned given the time constraints of the school year. There is a huge
difference between being “taught” something and actually “learning” something.
Learning is a time consuming process, and most curriculum is never taught in
such a way that it can become part of a student’s long term memory. To truly
assess learning would require the creation of any number of assessment tools,
something that cannot be done today.
More to the point, these content standards are completely
disconnected from what every high school student must know to be autonomous,
independent, engaged, and knowledgeable citizens in our society. These
standards, and the subsequent HSPA evaluation, are much too “college oriented”
rather than societally oriented; making things worse is that the test only
covers math and English, giving most teachers a “pass” from having to actually
teach the CCCS. There is no accountability for the vast majority of teachers.
Scrapping the existing standards and HSPA, and replacing
them with standards and tests that are far more relevant to “the real world,”
will by consequence free up teachers to develop their own unique “products,”
allowing them to express that aforementioned entrepreneurial spirit in the
classroom. This would then be tied to a performance based system of evaluation
and remuneration. Students will be the true beneficiaries of such a system,
attending a school with a vibrant culture of learning steeped in the spirit of
In my next post I will turn my attention to new teachers,
and how we should reach into our colleges and the workforce to find our future
educators. This will be followed by a post explaining how to get our most
important stakeholders, the parents, business community, and non-profits, into
the fold to further enhance student learning. As the pieces fall in place, a
solution to the tragedy that is urban education will come more in focus.
New Jersey Schools Under Siege?
There was an amazing amount of hyperbole on display in
yesterday’s Trenton Times OpEd by Frank Breslin, “Laying Siege to New Jersey’s
Public School System.” Breslin’s outrageous exaggerations and palpable cynicism
regarding the intent of Governor Christie is unbecoming of a professional
educator. Armed with no real facts, the article is little more than innuendo
and gross oversimplifications.
The supposed “target” of the piece is charter schools, which
Breslin characterizes as little more than “diploma mills” that have lost sense
of their primary mission as laboratories for innovation. Breslin sees enemies
everywhere, and this paranoia blinds him to the real problems facing our inner
city schools in particular.
The Christie Administration’s main focus has been on the
subject of accountability, and on that issue alone he deserves high marks.
Setting in motion a system of performance review is a critical step, and while
I agree with critics who believe that devising a fair system, one that utilizes
qualitative as well as quantitative metrics, is problematic.
Breslin also bemoans efforts to encourage veteran teachers
to consider early retirement as some kind of nefarious policy, but as one cog
in the effort to get new teachers into our urban schools, early retirement is a
reasonable position. Teachers have proven, for the most part, to be risk
averse, and this is most evident- for different reasons I suspect- in our
youngest and oldest teachers. Aversion to risk is a serious hindrance to
innovation and reform, and anything we can do to encourage, and reward teachers
to be risk takers are essential.
Charter schools will never, on their own, be able to provide
broad reform to our education system in the current environment, where charters
are seen as competitors rather than partners in the reform process. Individual
families in the inner city do deserve the opportunity to send their children to
quality schools, but rather than siphon off money, resources, and proactive
families and students from the urban schools, I would rather the inner city
public schools themselves be given the freedom to act like charter schools.
It is obvious to me that there is an unfortunate negative
correlation between government intrusion and the performance of urban schools;
greater government oversight and mandates has done nothing to improve performance
in these schools, and in many cases performance has actually declined.
New Jersey public schools are not “under siege,” but they
are being mismanaged, poorly staffed, unduly burdened by government, and
resource poor. It will take comprehensive, holistic, iconoclastic solutions to
improve the quality of instruction received by inner city students. The
solutions to what ails our schools will be, in many cases, counterintuitive to
conventional thinking, and that is a main reason that so little has been accomplished.
Rather than see charters as the enemy, Mr. Breslin should
join me in calling for greater cooperation between our public and our charter
schools, ; working together these schools can share ideas on “what works” and
make a positive contribution to instruction and management.
More to the point, what public education requires for them
to be successful is the adoption of a more entrepreneurial mindset. From
management of the school to management of the classroom, we must kindle in our
schools the entrepreneurial spirit that has proven so successful in our general
In my next posting I will explore more deeply what it means
to be an entrepreneurial educator, and how we can improve the quality of
instruction delivered to our children in the inner city. This entrepreneurial
spirit, when tied to essential reforms in our state curriculum and testing, and
to the greater involvement of key stakeholders in our business and non-profit
communities, holds the key to education’s future.
Friday, February 1, 2013
The Sincerity of Choice Advocates and the Failure of Urban Education
While I am, and will continue to be a strong advocate for
charter schools, I have to tell you that some of the most ridiculous drivel I
hear in the education reform movement comes from supporters of school choice. A
great example is today’s Trenton Times Op-Ed by Chris Boyajian in favor of
choice and the Opportunity Scholarship Act.
The idea behind the Act, allowing parents in low performing
districts to send their kids to the out of district school of their choice, is
all well and good, but in reality will only benefit a very small number of the
children in poor school districts. I sympathize with these parents and their
kids, they are doing what any good parent would do and advocating for their
kids. What drives me crazy is that people like Mr. Boyajian somehow rationalize
that this Act will somehow benefit the poor school district these children were
attending. “The OSA will effect (sp!) positive change in chronically failing
districts by providing students with the funds necessary to attend the school
of their choice.” Huh? Am I missing something?
Mr.Boyajian leaves it to our imagination to figure out how
siphoning off the supposed “better students,” and the tuition money that would
follow them, will benefit the “chronically failing district.” Exactly how will
the school benefit?
Choice advocates give nothing but lip service to the notion
of improving underperforming districts. Their concern is not with the schools,
but with the individual students and families. Unless you are going to trudge
out the unsubstantiated claim that losing these students will somehow spur
competition among schools to keep these students, and that competition is in
fact a desirable strategy for improving schools, then choice advocates should
drop the canard and stick to their primary position that it is individual
students, not schools, that they care about.
Bills like the OSA are mere window dressing, school reform
on the cheap. There is so much that is dysfunctional in New Jersey’s
educational system that nothing short of a complete paradigm shift will be
needed. The need for iconoclastic thinking has never been greater. Holistic
solutions to inner city education are urgently needed. Disuniting the urban and
suburban schools in the policy making process is critical. Improving
communication between urban public and charter schools is vital. Integrating
the business community directly into the learning process in the inner city is
essential. Enticing the best and brightest among our college graduates into a
career in teaching would reap huge benefits, as would interjecting performance
pay and/or performance ladders into the remuneration process. And getting the
grip and domineering presence of the State out of the urban schools is
paramount. Is it just a coincidence that the performance of these schools has plateaued
or decreased as the number of state mandates and directives has risen? I don’t
think so.
Urban schools are as dissimilar from suburban schools as
oranges are to apples. The need for career and college tracking, for its own
unique core content standards, and for its own graduation assessment, are all justified
by realities “on the ground.” Of the 100 worst performing schools in the State,
99 of them are from DFG A,B,or C and are located in our urban areas.
We really need to take a sober look at why a district like
West Windsor-Plainsboro is so successful, and why Trenton is a failure. Until
we take an honest look at the differences, and they go beyond just wealth, we
will never be able to honestly improve our worst schools. Getting into college,
and especially a top tier college, is a pervasive goal of the families in WW-P,
and the parents have the resources to help make that a possibility. College is
not, nor should it be the driving force at Trenton High School. But our state
curriculum and state assessments are all influenced by this goal, expounded by
our President, that every child should have college in their future. This way
of thinking is holding back true progress in our urban schools.
In this day and age of MOOCS (massive open online courses),
the need for having college as the organizing principle for urban high schools
is no longer necessary. Soon these MOOCS will be offering certificate programs
that employers will look as favorably upon as a traditional degree, maybe even
more so since “MOOC students” can be designing a curriculum from colleges
across the globe, tailored to meet existing opportunities in the modern
Boy did I go off on a tangent, so let’s get back to the
original point. Choice advocates should drop the insincere position that choice
will improve the quality of failing schools. It’s not their policy goal and
would never achieve that policy goal. Choice advocates sole concern is
individual families, and there is nothing wrong with that. That is one of many
reasons why I support charter schools.
As one component of a comprehensive education reform
strategy, Opportunity Scholarships are all well and good, but if that is seen
to be a major piece of the puzzle then we’re in a lot of trouble.
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